Does smart lipo really tighten skin?

Conventional liposuction would result in saggy skin. The FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction station uses high-power laser energy to remove fat and also to tighten sagging skin. The tightening of the skin is completely dependent on the elastic properties of the skin. However, if you have healthy skin with good elasticity, sagging skin will be less of a problem after a traditional liposuction procedure.

People who lack skin elasticity would need an additional procedure to remove that excess skin. There are some skin rejuvenation treatments that can help you tighten loose skin after a liposuction procedure. On the other hand, if you have small pockets of fat, Smartlipo may be the best option, as it can eliminate adipose tissue and cause the skin to shrink and harden in a single procedure. Regular lipo too it only removes fat.

It doesn't do anything for the skin, so it's not uncommon for patients to experience some skin laxity afterwards, depending on their body and skin type.

Smart liposuction

works to tighten the skin and, at the same time, remove fat, allowing patients to have smoother and stronger skin. SmartLipo is primarily a fat removal treatment. In addition, the advanced technology used during the procedure actually encourages the body to increase collagen production.

This helps to generate healthy cells and can give the skin a smoother, softer and more youthful appearance and tone. However, SmartLipo is not designed to directly treat cellulite. If cellulitis is your primary concern, ask Dr. Lawrence about other options that may be more appropriate for you.

Skin tightening is another benefit of the laser that has been mentioned more frequently lately. Saggy and saggy skin is a concern for liposuction patients, since simply removing fat cannot treat poor skin elasticity in older patients. To achieve good results with liposuction, the skin must contract satisfactorily after the procedure. Barry DiBernardo, a plastic surgeon from New Jersey, recently published a study evaluating the skin tightening effects of laser liposuction.

The study, which appears in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, compares SmartLipo MPX with traditional liposuction. The doctor enrolled 10 subjects who had both unwanted abdominal fat and a mild to moderate degree of sagging skin. Each subject underwent liposuction alone or laser-assisted liposuction on a randomly selected side of the body. When patients were evaluated 1 month and 3 months later After the operation, Dr.

DiBernardo found notable differences in skin shrinkage and stretching. Steven Ringler and the team at the Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery. Each patient underwent liposuction alone or laser-assisted liposuction on a randomly selected side of the body. I am sure that there are many patients who have undergone laser liposuction who are happy, just as there are many patients who have undergone non-laser liposuction who are happy.

The best way to determine with certainty whether or not you can qualify for body contouring with SmartLipo is to be evaluated by a highly experienced, knowledgeable and trained provider. After removing the fat, the plastic surgeon directs the laser with a wavelength of 1320 nm to the skin tissues, which helps release collagen in the area and causes the skin to harden. By maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine, the results of SmartLipo can last for many, many years. In a study published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, a surgeon compared the Smartlipo procedure with traditional liposuction.

Lawrence will evaluate your areas of concern and help you determine how many SmartLipo treatments may be needed in your particular case. Most men and women who are in good health, don't smoke and have a healthy, stable weight can choose to eliminate oil and firm their skin in a minimally invasive way with SmartLipo. Marisa Lawrence is proud to offer both traditional liposuction and the innovative SmartLipo™ fat removal procedure at her Atlanta, Georgia office, Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery. The surgeons at these facilities are specially trained in Smartlipo treatment and can use the capabilities of the technology to provide safe treatment and optimal results.

Finally, the third patient (with the blue background below) is scanned from a paper provided by one of the manufacturers to show a comparison of the laser lipo with the standard lipo.