How many sizes do you lose with smart lipo?

Many patients are happy with the changes in their shape, despite the fact that the size of their clothes has not changed. This is because clothing size is not completely dependent on fat, but rather on the person's overall body size, bone structure, and muscle mass. Some patients want to be in shape regardless of the amount of fat they eliminate, and others want a drastic reduction in overall fat. Thanks to technological advances in liposuction, you'll discover that you have more options than you did a few years ago.

These are some of the most common questions that are addressed in consultations. Liposuction is not about drastic weight loss. Remember that you lose the desired volume and not necessarily a lot of weight, but your doctor can dramatically shape your figure with a specific 360-degree focus in high definition. While the extracted fat causes some weight loss, it may not be significant.

It should be noted that if the surgeon uses VASER liposuction, he may remove more fat than with other methods. Liposuction removes existing fat, which disappears forever, but it doesn't stop the accumulation of new fat due to the patient's diet and lifestyle. The eliminated cells cannot re-form, but if you don't eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle, the remaining fat cells will increase in number and size. The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, very moderate carbohydrates, good proteins and healthy fats. If you can cut back on refined sugars and carbohydrates, all the better.

Some people benefit from a “cheating day” once a week when they know they can go crazy. If that keeps you on track, it's all a matter of balance. The small size of the equipment I used to carry the laser beam that melts or liquidates fat is as thin as a tuft of angel hair paste. Some people undergo liposuction to lose centimeters of the waist and hip area, which significantly reduces the size of their clothes, while others focus on other areas, such as fat in the thighs and back, that may or may not change the size of their clothes.

Fortunately, there's a solution: an entirely new treatment called smart lipo. The fat around my abdomen broke down and the skin became dramatically tighter. Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires patients to be under general anaesthesia, Smartly uses local anaesthesia. Normal liposuction is what scares me and the scars that occur after liposuction, but when I found out about Smart Lipo, the scars were very small and I wouldn't have to put my garment on a few months later and the pain would be minimum.

Before smart liposuction, patients often didn't even consider liposuction because of the associated pain and the significant recovery period. SmartLipo can also be used in conjunction with conventional liposuction to reduce fat in larger areas. SmartLipo carries a lower surgical risk, since it requires only local anaesthesia and downtime is reduced to just one or two days (treated areas remain bandaged for approximately two weeks). The new Smart Lipo laser body sculpture does what no exercise routine in the world can do: it reduces fat permanently.