Will fat come back after smart lipo?

An integral part of recovering, preventing complications and ensuring the best results is complying with the use of the compression garment for 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. You must wear this garment at all times, except in the shower. We will provide you with a compression garment and you can purchase others if you wish. This garment simultaneously reduces swelling and inflammation while continuing to shape and contour the body. The results of Smartlipo will continue to improve gradually in the months following surgery.

“Final results are expected 4 to 6 months after the operation. Recovery is highly variable and individualized, so it's important to attend all post-operative visits to see the doctor and document your progress. You'll see some results almost immediately. In fact, many of the attacked fat cells break down and are eliminated during treatment.

The remaining fat will gradually drain from the body over the next few months. Some patients see continuous improvement up to six months after treatment. When so many products and procedures promise a “quick solution,” it's reasonable to wonder how long the results of liposuction last. Joyesh Raj is your best resource for information on the results of liposuction treatment. Read on as he explains if fat can reappear.

after liposuction. Raj uses a thin, hollow tube called a cannula to break up and selectively remove fat cells from a specific area of the body. The areas most commonly treated with liposuction are the stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, neck, and chin. Raj significantly improves the aesthetics of the treated area.

It's also important to note that liposuction doesn't remove all of the fat cells from the target area. Raj has to leave a thin layer of fat cells on the treated area of the body to maintain a smooth, normal-looking contour. If you gain weight after liposuction, the fat cells left in the treated area may enlarge, but you'll see less fat accumulation in that area, as there are fewer fat cells left. As you can understand, it's imperative to maintain your weight after liposuction to enjoy your sculpted results for as long as possible.

Raj encourages him to follow a consistent exercise regimen and to follow a nutritious diet afterward. of surgery. You'll probably find that you're more motivated to eat healthy and exercise often after seeing your own dramatic transformation. If you have additional questions about liposuction or would like to discuss the procedure in person with Dr.

Raj, request a consultation at our practice. Patients look slimmer and younger after treatment, and Smartlipo produces 60 percent more skin tightening than traditional liposuction. But what can end up happening when you gain weight after liposuction is that the remaining fat cells expand. If you're unhappy with your body contours and are in good general health, you're probably an ideal candidate for SmartLipo.

Ashley Gordon, who performs liposuction at an accredited facility in Austin, TX, has been asked many times if fat can return after liposuction. After all, this type of liposuction is one of the few body contouring treatments that actually removes a specific amount of fat from the body. It's also a great option for patients who want to treat small areas of local fat without the need for large incisions or general anesthesia. Immediately after the procedure, patients with Smartlipo usually experience some swelling, swelling, and bruising in the treatment areas.

Smartlipo, which is also known as lipo laser, is a minimally invasive treatment that removes excess unwanted fat and, at the same time, softens and tightens the skin in the target area. Smartlipo's results will continue to improve gradually in the months following surgery, and “final results are expected 4-6 months later. of the operation”. To maintain a smooth body contour in the treated area, a thin layer of fat cells must be left.

Exercise builds and maintains lean muscle mass, which is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism and preventing weight gain. The cannula, which has a fiber laser tip, moves smoothly back and forth under the skin, breaking up the fat cells it comes into contact with. Gordon breaks down unwanted fat cells in an isolated area of the body, usually the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, back, or arm, by using a special instrument called a cannula to gently suck fat cells out of the body.